Posted on July 30, 2013 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Life

Our Top 6 Stress Busting Apps

Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.  ~Pooh’s Little Instruction Book, inspired by A.A. Milne

Need some stress relief to go? Dealing with stress needn’t involve hours in a chair and a massive dent in your wallet. With all the information we have ever needed in the palm of our hand, smart phone apps ensure we can be stress free at home, while catching public transport or lining up for your morning coffee (perhaps the most stressful!) . At Hypoxi we have searched the overwhelming world that is the land of apps to deliver to you our favorite apps for stress relief,

GPS for the Soul  is our favorite stress relief app that actively measures yours response to certain situations. Simply place your finger over the lens of your camera and the app determines your heart rate response, assesses your level of stress and customises a solution according to how ‘stressed’ you feel. This could be simple breathing exercises, music, and pictures or mantras. We love that it is totally tailored for your situation and that it follows Deepak Chopra’s own personal GPS guide.

Stress Tracker is a free app that was created by a team of psychologists using cognitive behavioral therapy. What does this mean for users? Well, it allows for a more tactical approach to managing stress, through identifying key triggers and reasons for your feelings. Tracking your stress through a diary, Stress Tracker allows you to isolate situations that cause stress, making it easy to manage and avoid those moments.

Heart Meditation: Meditation is something we encourage with all our clients; gratitude allows you to connect with positive emotions, and grounds you to what really matters each day. Heart meditations are guided meditations with Deepak Chopra and we love that it allows you to meditate anywhere, anytime.

Heal Your Body A-Z: Based on the bestselling book by metaphysical healer Louise L. Hay, Heal Your Body A-Z has a list of alphabetical health problems, along with the information you need to overcome it. Hay encourages you to create new thought patterns to conquer and heal your issues. With a quick reference guide and an easy to follow mental solution, the inner hypochondriac in me just loves that I am able to self-diagnose all my daily concerns without turning to Doctor Google.

Breath2Relax  is a fabulous free app that simply demonstrates the power of thoughtful breath. Via guided diaphragmatic breathing, Breath2Relax encourages you to regulate your reaction to stress by focusing your energy on meaningful, moment by moment deep breathing. This is simple but highly effective stress relief.

Squeeze and Shake for pure novelty value and to crack a smile on your face we love this interactive rubber duck! Do your venting by squeezing your iphone and watch the little rubber duck on the screen react as you handle it. Feels surprisingly therapeutic. Don’t know what that says about me…

What about you? Is there an app that we have missed? Let us know on our Facebook page and tell us which stress app you can’t live without. The best response wins a Hypoxi Prize Pack worth over $100!