Posted on March 27, 2017 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Fast Weight Loss, Interview, Life, Lifestyle, Modern mums, Mums, Uncategorised, Your Say




Zoe George is as subtle as a brick in the face (her words, not ours). A mum of two under two, she shares her life honestly and with # nofilter. Below is a taste of HYPOXI in her own, entertaining words. 


Let me start by saying I had never heard of Hypoxi before last month, so when I was approached to try it out and be a part of their HYPOXI #MumLifeHack campaign, “Empowering mums to be their most awesome selves” and give an honest review, the first thing I did was snoop around to see what information I could find out as it sounded amazing. First thing I saw was this YouTube video of Zoe Foster Blake talking about it which immediately impressed me, I mean I know Zoe wouldn’t out her face to something she didn’t believe in (well no Zoe would).

So what is it? I could say its a fat burning-cellulite-sucking-vacuuming thingy, but I’d better use the more technical words. There are 4 things that you could do, there’s a treadmill and you wear a wetsuit type of outfit, there are 2 exercise bikes (one sitting and one lying) and a spaceman suit. Ok so spaceman suit isn’t the right term either, it’s called the HDC vacunaut (close enough) and it’s a full body suit that has valves and the air gets sucked out of it, which feels like a giant cuddle from a panda bear. Then the most interesting sensation as 422 air chambers all over your body pop like bubble wrap. I literally lie there and play on Snapchat, or even take a nap, while this machine targets my tummy, hips, thighs, bum and legs.

It goes to town on cellulite, fluid retention and tones your skin while you have some quiet, alone time. 30 mins on this machine just goes too quickly, I seriously wish I could wear it to bed. I think my favourite pops are the ones on my gluteus, they feel like a light massage.

The second half of my session I used the bike (S120). You are fitted with a neoprene skirt, that has a hoop attached and locks into the chamber. Then the vacuum starts and the chamber sucks out all the air, pulling you harder onto the seat as you keep pedalling, it was a little weird at first as you can’t lift yourself of the seat but I got used to it pretty quickly

After the first session they measured me and we took before photos which I am in no way showing you guys unless I come a long way and am proud of my accomplishments. Until then they’re mine, hidden away. According to the lovely Eri, who owns Moorabin Hypoxi, if I do everything right, I will potentially have lost 25cms from around my body in one month. BRING IT ON I say!! I was eavesdropping on another lady that was there yesterday, she had lost 12cms, after 2 weeks, how awesome is that? I am so determined to make this work, what more can you ask for than to tone up and lose weight (especially the mum tum) without breaking a sweat? 

I am so excited for this to work and thank you to those who read it and are excited to see my journey too.  If you are interested in seeing what it’s all about, or just feel like a nap and some alone time with no kids hanging off your leg then go to and organise your free trial.

Thanks for reading. Love you all. – Zoe


Since then Zoe’s had her post 6 sessions measurements and is excited to announce she’s lost 19cms – go Zoe! 




Zoe got you feeling intrigued? Sound like an exercise you want to try? Come in and do a Free Trial to check it out for yourself.




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Check out Zoe’s full post here