The HYPOXI approved Christmas dessert Laura Dundovic swears by

Posted on November 28, 2018 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Lifestyle, DINH DƯỠNG, Recipes

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, which means it’s time to start planning the menu! When December rolls around, so too does a plethora of lip smackingly good sweet treats that go hand in hand with the festive season. Rum balls, fruit mince pies, plum pudding and of course who could forget… white Christmas!

Often, these desserts are laden with sugar and other refined carbohydrates, which can leave you feeling tired and sluggish. While we believe everything should be enjoyed in moderation, we still love finding creative ways we can healthily adapt some of our favourite not so healthy desserts.


Thanks to our ambassador Laura Dundovic for sharing her low-carb HYPOXI approved White Christmas recipe with us! We know this is one we’ll be whipping up on high rotation this silly season!




500ml double cream (lactose free if you prefer)
2 tbsp honey
50g shredded coconut
50g strawberries diced
2 tbsp cacao nibs
80% dark chocolate
Vanilla essence
2 small mint leaves


Whisk the cream and honey together for about 6-7 minutes until it forms soft peaks.
Fold in the strawberries, coconut cacao nibs and vanilla essence.
Pour into a pudding shaped bowl
Place in the freezer.
On the day you want to serve it, sit the dish in another dish of warm water for only a few seconds. Cover the top with a plate and flip the pudding over and turn it onto the plate to serve.
Drizzle with melted chocolate and place back in freezer to set chocolate
Remove from freezer 15 mins before serving.
Decorate with sliced strawberries, coconut and mint leaves.
