Kick Your Summer Health Into Gear

Posted on November 27, 2016 by HYPOXI Vietnam in General Health, Life
Hypoxi Vietnam

Does your health need to be kicked into summer gear? Lucky for you, HYPOXI is here to help and we share our top tips that are simple and so easy to apply to your everyday life. Follow our guide to help you get bikini-ready and focus on your summer health!

1. Keep a food journal

What you put into your body is a great way to monitor and plan your daily meals. The benefits of keeping a food journal will make you aware of your meal pattern as well as whether or not you are overeating. It’s a great way to keep you accountable for your summer health.

2. Cut down on your caffeine and alcohol consumption

Whilst it is difficult to cut down caffeine and alcohol at one of the busiest times of year, try your best to limit your intake as you don’t need the additional calories.  If you can, swap your morning coffee for a green tea and reserve alcohol consumption for the weekends only. Don’t forget to drink a minimum of one litre of water per day because your skin will be thanking you later!

3. Slip slop slap

Soaking up the sun and heading to the beach is as Australian as you get in the summer so make sure you are sun safe and apply sun screen generously. As the Australian sun is brutal, make sure you are protected with at least SPF 30.


It’s a no brainer right? HYPOXI will whip you into shape and make you feel body confident! If you’re time poor, squeeze a quick lunch session as you’ll be in and out within 30 minutes. Blast that pesky cellulite and tone that muffin top at your nearest studio.

5. Planks, squats and lunges

In between your HYPOXI sessions, you can further improve your strength and overall body tone with simple at home exercises. Planking, squatting and lunging are so simple, you don’t need to head to the gym- just stay in the comfort of your own home! Building your muscle will help burn calories so train twice a week to get a tight body tone.

Summer health and wellness tips!

Do you have any more health and wellness tips to share? Share them with our article to your social media account. We’d love to hear them!