Wonder Woman Cathie!

Posted on May 28, 2015 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Interview, Life

Cathie Reid is a real Australian Wonder Woman. She’s a mother, wife, philanthropist, entrepreneur and business owner. There’s no denying Cathie is a busy woman!

She was inducted into the Australian Businesswomen’s Hall of Fame in 2015, named one of the Top 100 Women of Influence by the Australian Financial Review in 2013, won a National Telstra Business Women’s Award in 2011, and recognised by Monash University with a Distinguished Alumni Award for Professional Achievement in 2012.

Throughout her busy career, travel commitments and family duties, Cathie has made sure that looking and feeling great is a top priority.

Your professional career is very impressive! What do you enjoy most about your current role as Managing Partner at EPIC Pharmacy?

I really enjoy working with the fantastic team of people at Epic Pharmacy who are constantly striving to find new and innovative ways to enhance our service offer to our customers.  We have an incredible culture of innovation, and I love working with the teams on how we can turn their ideas into reality.

Can you please give us a bit of background on the history of the business?

Stuart and I got engaged in 1998 and in the next 4 months bought 4 pharmacies in 3 different states, going from 0 to 100 employees in that same window.  Since then the core business has continued to grow and expand nationally, and we have created a couple of other businesses along the way, a medication compliance manufacturing business which we have since sold, and Icon Cancer Care, which we maintain an active interest in.  Our latest venture is a digital health start up, Epic Digital.

When did you first try HYPOXI? 

I first tried HYPOXI in October 2014 after spending 4 months on crutches and  in a moon boot after an unfortunate trampolining accident!  I wasn’t able to do any cardio training and only very light weights once I came off the crutches, so was desperate to find something that I could do that help me get back in shape.

How did you hear about HYPOXI and what were your initial motivations for wanting to undergo HYPOXI treatments?

I had seen articles and posts about HYPOXI for years and always been intrigued, but never got around to trying it for myself.  We had been invited to participate in an entrepreneurs retreat on Necker Island in early November, and the thought of having to get bikini ready without being able to do any kind of traditional training saw me pick up the phone and make the initial appointment.

What results did you receive from your initial HYPOXI package?

I got great results, and ended up confident enough to even pose for a bikini shot in the ocean with Richard Branson!


How do you fit HYPOXI into such a hectic work, travel and family schedule?

After the initial 4 week program I was keen to continue using HYPOXI, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to find times that worked for me so I ended up buying my own machine, and now I can pedal away at any hour of the day and night!

Do you multitask during your sessions?

Being able to multitask while I train is one of my favorite things, I do emails, catch up on social media feeds, or watch TV shows that I never otherwise get the opportunity see.  My current obsession is Hart of Dixie, can’t believe I’m so late to the party there!

Who would be your Wonder Woman or Super Man ‘Side-kick’? The person in your life who inspires you everyday!

Definitely my husband Stuart, we are true partners in life and business, and he is also a great source of fitness inspiration.  He’s a marathon runner, and his dedication in getting up and logging long hours running in the early hours of the morning make it very hard to justify staying in bed and skipping my own workout!

You are obviously a role model for your children – is keeping fit and active a big part of this?

Maintaining health and well being are big priorities for us, and we hope that the kids grow up to see fitness as something that forms part of your daily life and routine, rather than an optional choice.

How challenging has it been raising children alongside your business ventures?

We’ve had the business longer than we’ve had the kids, so it’s all we and they have ever known!  It’s not without its’ challenges, but at the same time life as a business owner can at times provide some greater flexibility than is available to employees.  It’s always a juggling act, but we have a fantastic nanny who has been with us for nearly 10 years and she makes a huge contribution to the smooth running of our house and family.  It definitely takes a tribe!

What’s your social media channel of choice and why?

Tough one!  I actively use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google+ both personally and professionally.  Each platform has a slightly different audience and tribe, so it really depends on what I’m into on the day as to which one I’m most engaged with – and that changes on a pretty much daily basis!

Check out Cathie’s blog here

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