Posted on October 31, 2013 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Life

How many times do you find yourself claiming you are crazy busy to explain to friends, work colleagues about never having enough time in the day? And with the Christmas Holidays fast approaching, it seems to add even more craziness to everyone’s schedule. Christmas parties with family, friends and co-workers, gift shopping, decorating, entertaining, – we’re exhausted even thinking about it! If you’re a busy person (and who these days isn’t?), we’ve compiled our favourite time-saving tips — for your daily life, that aim to work wonders for freeing up your schedule.


Could it be possible that you aren’t as busy as you think you are? Instead of adopting the “don’t have time” mentality, focus on thinking positively and work out how you can “make time” for the important things. Start by writing down all of the things you do in your day and note how much time you spend on each. You’ll probably find extra time you didn’t know you had (like time wasted surfing your Facebook or Instagram feed). Remember, there are 24 hours in every day- use them wisely!


Think you don’t have time to work-out? Think again. It doesn’t take hours a day to get in shape. Fitting in a short burst of exercise will not only keep you healthy and your mind focussed, but sticking to a routine will also help you achieve your goals! You can easily set yourself a training program to do at home (from your living room) on the days where you don’t find time to make it to a class or HYPOXI session. Perhaps there are ways too that you can incorporate training into your daily routine e.g. can you swap your commute to work for walking or cycling?


High-quality sleep is essential to good health and staying productive throughout your day. If you feel fatigued in the morning, it could mean that you need to sleep better, not necessarily longer. Our best tips for a good sleep:  set a regular time so that your body has a routine! Cover up your windows:  complete darkness promotes a healthy night’s sleep, as even the tiniest bit of light in the room can disrupt your internal clock! For more sleep tips see here: http://www.helpguide.org/life/sleep_tips.htm


When your schedule is super busy, getting your groceries online using automated delivery options is a great time-saver. Most supermarkets have an online facility to save your order so that you spend even less time ordering your store cupboard essentials the next time round! And with the trend for online purchasing ever increasing, shopping online has become super easy and quick to navigate. There are plenty of e-tailers that now offer express shipping for Christmas gift purchases right up until the week before Christmas. Our tip: look for online stores with a gift-wrapping option to save even more time.