Posted on August 29, 2013 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Fast Weight Loss, General Health, Life

We are experts in weight loss and as such are obliged somewhat to review the latest dietary trends, fitness regimes and bust some massive fat loss myths. However, given our predisposition with all things health, sometimes I like to take a whole body approach to this rather big conundrum known as weight loss.

And recently, all I keep hearing with the clients at Hypoxi is the lack of concern, support or inspiration their surrounding team of friends and family provide them while trying to get fit and lose the fat for life.

You are the sum total of the 5 people who surround yourself with.

Why is this on my mind? Well – I recently met a bunch of really nice women. Hard to find in this day and age. And I am realising that the company I have kept has not been good enough.

Call me demanding, but I want genuine women who aspire to keep their life grounded in reality, not trying to recreate the latest episode of Neighbours. And I’ve been fortunate enough to have these women in my professional and personal life that have inspired me to be the best I can be. More importantly, they reflect that shiny, brilliant version right back at me – a happy cycle of positively beaming love and productivity.

Not only do these women provide wholesome influence, but they also make me laugh – a lot. And I feel honored that my laughing sessions are no longer reduced to episode re runs of ‘Family Guy’ thanks to a somewhat obsessed partner.

As a direct product of the power of a positive social network – I can see clearly why some of my clients win the weight loss war and others struggle to keep off their newly found weight loss for good – call it family call it friends – but those who succeed all have awesome social support. In fact, in one recent study, participants who enrolled in a weight-loss program with friends did a better job of keeping their weight off. In addition to teaming up with friends, these enrollees were given social support in addition to standard treatment. Two-thirds of those who enrolled with friends had kept their weight off six months after the meetings ended. In contrast, only a quarter of those who attended on their own had achieved that same success.

This is why a new part of the approach when tackling permanent fat loss is to encourage Hypoxi ladies to identify what type of company they want to have- and to go and find it. Everyone is wonderful and weird in their own special way, but everyone of your support network needs to be part of your weight loss journey not a limiting factor.

So to get the ball rolling – I asked some of our Hypoxi success stories what were the top 5 traits they looked for in a friend. And here are the most common that came up:

1. A good sense of humour – and the ability to not take themselves too seriously.

2. An inherent desire to give taking time out of their hectic schedule to grab a coffee. Listening or buying that amazing blush for you that you loved and could no longer find in the stores. Giving, in all its guises is a must.

3. Presence and support – when things go pear shaped they are by your side. Regardless.

4. They make you be your best.  Enough said.

5. They have lots of love in them. Their confidence enables them to love and nurture you.  

Now it’s your turn, tell us your top 5 traits that your support network must have! Like us on Facebook and post your response on our wall. The best answer will receive an Hypoxi Prize Package worth over $150!  


Posted on August 29, 2013 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Fast Weight Loss, General Health, Life

We are experts in weight loss and as such are obliged somewhat to review the latest dietary trends, fitness regimes and bust some massive fat loss myths. However, given our predisposition with all things health, sometimes I like to take a whole body approach to this rather big conundrum known as weight loss.

And recently, all I keep hearing with the clients at Hypoxi is the lack of concern, support or inspiration their surrounding team of friends and family provide them while trying to get fit and lose the fat for life.

You are the sum total of the (more…)