Hop your way out of any Easter chocolate guilt

Posted on April 1, 2015 by HYPOXI Vietnam in General Health, Life, Nutrition

Bring on the Easter long weekend!! Four days of chocolate egg temptation, glasses of celebratory wine and plenty of family lunches… oh the calories!

Instead of pre-guilt panicking – we asked Liz Sanchez, HYPOXI Australia’s resident Master Trainer and Nutritionist for her advice on keeping the long weekend chocolate binge to a minimum!

“With all those alluring Lindt golden bunnies around it’s all too easy to decide to ignore your healthy eating plan over the Easter break. While it’s unrealistic to expect yourself to completely ignore the Easter tradition (and the golden bunnies) I have a few tricks you can employ to make sure you treat yourself but don’t undo all your hard work – and your HYPOXI sessions!” explains Liz.

Liz’s Tips

Do the math

It takes a 60-minute jog to work off a large 100-gram egg, and even a small 7-gram Easter egg will take a 4-minute jog. Do the math and think about how much effort it takes to work off just a few eggs!

Low-carb for the win

Stick to healthy low-carb eating plan – fill your body with HYPOXI friendly veggies such as green leaves, avocado and veggie fruits like juicy tomatos and lots of water. Believe me you’ll feel satisfied for longer and the chocolate egg cravings will seem far easier to deal with.

1 out of 4

Instead of binging over the four days, try and choose one day to indulge within reason!

Stay away from that aisle

Don’t walk down the chocolate aisle. No, really. The choice to eat chocolate begins when you choose to walk down that aisle in the supermarket. If you don’t bring it home (or at least not too much of it), you can’t eat it. The same logic goes for high-carb hot cross buns!


Why not hop into your local HYPOXI for a 30-minute session? By sticking to the rule of no carbs for 4 – 6 hours post session will ensure you steer yourself away from chocolate. Plus we all know how those endorphins make us feel. Golden bunny who?

Stick to the dark stuff

So that you don’t constrain yourself completely, stick to small pieces of delicious dark chocolate (over 70% cocoa if possible!)

Remember: Indulging means treat yourself with a little something that will give you satisfaction, over indulging will give you only lots of regrets!

If you stick to these rules you’ll be feeling fabulous all weekend long – guilt-free! My most important rule of all though, make sure you have a fantastic time with friends, family and loved ones. 

Happy Easter!