Healthy Holidaying

Posted on December 29, 2014 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Holiday Destinations, Nutrition

Packing your holiday bags? While it’s easy to sip cocktails by the pool and over indulge on delicious food, we’ve got some handy tips to help you stay healthy while holidaying! 

1. Eat before the airport 

Chow down on a big meal before hitting the airport to avoid having to eat at the fast food courts. If you forget and need to eat there, try fruit or a salad.

2. Watch out for jetlag

Adjusting to a new time zone might make you hungry at odd hours. Resist the urge to snack at 4 a.m. and wait for normal meal times instead (or choose a healthy snack, like a handful of nuts, to tide you over).

3. Beware of buffets

With so many delicious choices, how to choose anything other than, well, everything? Start by using a smaller plate; it’ll encourage smaller portions. Also aim to fill up on as many fruits and veggies as possible. Just have to try that cheesy pasta? Spread the love and share it with a friend.

4. Pack snacks

When you plan to be out all day, bring along your own healthy snacks to stave off hunger. It’ll keep money in your pocket and away from unhealthier options (we’re looking at you, golden arches). Trail mix and granola bars are healthy, portable options.

5. Make your own meals

If you’re staying somewhere with kitchen access, take the time to whip up your own delicious meals as much as often doing your stay. You’re more likely to eat something nutritious at home—and you’ll know exactly what’s in it.

6. Beware of drinks

A single cocktail can contain loads of sugar (and calories). If a stiff drink is necessary (and sometimes it is!), try some of these healthier drinks instead.