Posted on February 5, 2013 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Man of the Month

Can brains and brawn be found in one attractive package?  Judging by this month’s Man of the Month – the answer is a resounding YES! Tim Harley wants to enforce justice through the week and get back to nature on weekends.  Thanks to our mates at Budgy Smuggler for keeping the talent flowing!

Name: Tim Harley

Profession: Final Year Law Student/Breakfast enthusiast

What do you do to stay in shape: I like to really mix it up so that I am always really looking forward to it, whether its cycling, ocean swims, gym, cross training in Sydney’s beautiful parks or Krav Maga.

Name your poison (weakness/kryptonite): Messina Gelato just opened up down the road… keep your enemies close!

Whats your spirit animal and why: Tough one but I would have to say some sort of bear as they can be playful and social but also stand their ground when push comes to shove. Although it would be kind of depressing if someone said I was cute or cuddly…

What makes life beautiful: The little things, whether its great food, a drink with friends, a dip at the beach on a crisp morning or collapsing in a comfy bed after a hard day. Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realise they are the big things