Posted on July 31, 2014 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Uncategorized

We caught up with Zoë to find out a little bit more about her new role with Hypoxi and why it’s her go-to program post-baby!


How did the partnership between you and Hypoxi come about?

Hypoxi approached me because they thought my bum could do with some toning. Kidding! They knew I was a fan, and figured it could be a good partnership as I was a genuine Hypoxi devotee.


What attracted you to the Hypoxi program?

That it works. You can see and feel a difference in your body after doing Hypoxi.


I imagine you get approached by lots of brands wanting to work with you. How do you decide which one to go with?

It has to be authentic, I need to like and believe in what a brand is doing and/or saying. I’m in the extremely privileged position to have women trust what I recommend to them, and I’m not going to mess with that.


Why did you originally begin using Hypoxi?

It was in the context of being a ‘fat-skinny’, which is where you’re generally quite small, you eat well and exercise, you drink way more green tea than is palatable or enjoyable, yet you still have a muffin top, or squishy thighs or a jiggly wiggler.


Were you a user of Hypoxi before signing on as their ambassador?

Yes. I did my first program way back in 2007 when I reviewed it – most favourably – for Harper’s BAZAAR.


What projects will you be involved in with your Hypoxi ambassador role?

Mostly I’m there to educate women on Hypoxi, but I’ll also be hosting a Hypoxi national challenge where customers work towards a body they want to celebrate, (along the way they can follow my Hypoxi program and results) and at the end the winner gets a 5-star holiday in Fiji to show off their new summer body. Stay tuned for the launch of this on 1st September, its pretty Hypoxitastic.


Did your perspective on health and fitness change after using Hypoxi (in the past)?

 Yes, I realised that even a healthy, fit body can do with a little extra help when it comes to those final, seemingly impossible areas you want to tone.


Why do you prefer Hypoxi on top of other diet/exercise regimes?

Because it’s targeted to my squishy bits, and is effective and non-invasive. 


Do you believe it works for you? How?

Hypoxi isn’t a magic wand – eating well and exercise is the foundation of a healthy, toned body, and all the education around Hypoxi makes that very clear. But whenever I see how my hard-to-fix bits improve after a Hypoxi program, I’m reminded that these days we have brilliant technology at our disposal, so why not utilise it? 


What areas of the body (in the past) have you noticed Hypoxi changing?

Lower tummy, hips, muffin top and thighs. It shrinks it down and it tones it up. I remember after my first program getting into my tiniest, most inappropriate denim shorts, and not feeling at all self-conscious about the fact they were definitely skimming the bottom of my bum. It was a great day for my body, a terrible day for fashion.


What’s on the horizon for Zoe Foster Blake?

Right now I’m so besotted with my new little boy it’s hard to focus on much else. That said, I’m extremely excited about what’s coming up for (my skin care line), Go-To later in the year. We had such a phenomenal launch and things are only going to get bigger and better.


Join Zoe to rediscover your #innerawesome on 1st September.