Posted on March 25, 2014 by HYPOXI Vietnam in Member of the Month

HYPOXI Member of the Month: Kayla Fishburn

We were so impressed with HYPOXI Studio Surry Hills client, Kayla Fishburn’s incredible results and her stand -out entry for Campaign Confidence, that we wanted to celebrate her HYPOXI journey by making her our March Member of the Month. We delved a little deeper and got her to share her inspiring story with us!

How did you hear about HYPOXI and what made you decide to come on board?
My husband, Adam, actually heard an advertisement on the radio about Hypoxi. After putting on a lot of weight on in a short period of time and struggling to lose it, he suggested it as he knew how unhappy I was. It didn’t sound like a “quick fix” but a change… Little did he or I know how big a change it would be for me!

What was the point when you realised that you wanted to start this weight loss journey?
Basically getting to 100kg was my limit. I realised at this point I had to do something to change. I realised if I didn’t do something I would continue to put on weight and become even more unhappy.

You recently got married to your long-term boyfriend of 11 years, what have been some of his comments on your amazing weight loss?
Mainly that he was happy with the fact that I found something that worked for me. I lost the weight and also learnt so much about nutrition at the time. The fact that I felt comfortable to wear a dress (for the first time in about 10 years!!) to our elopement ceremony definitely made him happy.

How have you noticed that your weight loss has affected your life/attitude/life aspirations?
I remember before losing the weight I was so shy and lacked confidence. I didn’t care about a lot and had no aspirations in life. My confidence has increased massively and I’m much more outgoing now than I was. My friends have definitely noticed a difference.

What do you like about HYPOXI and would you recommend it to your friends?
I didn’t have to give up my favourite foods and can still treat myself occasionally without jeopardising my efforts. Also the staff at HYPOXI are so friendly and supportive. The advice they have given me has made it possible for me to keep the weight off even after finishing up. I would definitely (and have) recommended it to my friends.

In the moments when you feel unmotivated, what do you do/think about to help you stay on track?
I just think back to how unhappy I was before losing the weight and knowing that I can do it makes me keep going. Even though I know it’s never easy and sometimes just want to give up, knowing that its possible helps me to stay on track.

Is there a piece of clothing you aspire to wear/a trip to do/learn a new sport/talent now that you have lost this weight?
I don’t have too much of a goal in particular… although I am going to start paying tennis with my mum a couple of times a week on a casual basis which I knew I wouldn’t have been able to do before Hypoxi!!

What is your biggest tip to other fellow HYPOXETTES who want to lose the weight?
Keep at it!! It may not happen straight away but it WILL happen.
Stats- Age: 28 Current weight: 79.3kg Starting weight: 100kg